11-Feb-2025 updated: We are aware that that some customers are experiencing difficulties in booking events. We are working to rectify the problem.
For safety reasons, the new booking process includes a pop-up window that requests the name, phone number and emergency contact details for each walker on each walk. These fields now have no restrictions on the alphanumeric characters that are entered.
Please ensure that pop-ups are allowed for the TWF website. Pop-ups are often blocked on browsers and this is usually indicated in the browser’s header and allowed/blocked through the browser’s settings.
Please also ensure that you browser is up to date - old browsers or old versions of browsers may not be compatible with our website, or many others.
On occasion, after this information has been entered, the shopping cart does not appeared to be updated - please try refreshing the browser. This may not work, however, and another booking attempt often will succeed.
We are very sorry for any inconvenience. Please contact us at info@talgarthwalkingfestival.org if you are unable to make a booking.
Alternative booking/payment through BACS:
First check availability on the website then send a BACS to:
Account Name / Number / Sort Code: Talgarth Walkers are Welcome / 86618067 / 51-81-27
Send an email to info@talgarthwalkingfestival.org with the following details for each walker on each walk (non-walk events do not require emergency contact details):
First Name, Surname & Mobile No. / Emergency Contact Name & Mobile No.
Once payment is registered in our account we will confirm the booking'